BA (Hons) History and Ancient History
The History and Ancient History programme builds on a broad foundation in the first year, to highly specialised work in the final year, including the study of a particular subject in depth.There is a diverse amount of module choice covering time periods from the Greek and Roman History to the 1960s and topics as diverse as the Vikings, food and medicine in antiquity, early medieval empires, British politics since 1900, women in society, the Norman conquest, magic and witchcraft in early modern Europe and reformation London.You will become grounded in the main themes of History through a combination of both broad and detailed focuses on particular aspects of the past, study of a range of time periods, and study of different geographical areas; who understand the methods which historians use to study the past; and who can analyse the development of past societies.For Ancient History, you will study the main issues of Greek and Roman History, consider the problems that are posed for modern scholars seeking to access that history, and explore the ways in which Greeks and Romans thought about their own past. You’ll also have the chance to explore the main issues in Greek and Roman society, politics, religion and philosophy.