BA (Hons) English Literature with Creative Writing

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BA (Hons) English Literature with Creative Writing

This is a major-minor degree, comprising approximately three quarters English Literature and one quarter Creative Writing.In English Literature, you’ll take core and optional modules, gaining in-depth knowledge of a variety of literary writings with the opportunity to specialise in genres and periods that particularly appeal to you.You’ll be taught Creative Writing modules by published authors who share their expertise through workshops that focus closely on your own writing and lectures that address general issues of effective writing and professional development.CareersPrevious graduates have gone on to successful postgraduate study and careers in professional fields such as publishing, journalism, writing, television and the media, teaching, and librarianship, with some taking up employment overseas. Our Creative Writing graduates have published their own stories, novels, and poems with major publishers and have had their scripts produced in national festivals and on national radio.The transferable skills you have the opportunity to develop on this degree – communication, self-expression, research and critical understanding – also open up a wide range of business and public-sector roles in areas such as marketing, advertising, law, social work and professional services.Other graduates go on to further study, not only in English and Creative Writing, but also in Journalism, Publishing, Law, Public Relations and Business. Our graduates have gone on to train as speech therapists, teachers of English in the UK and overseas, computer programmers and consultants, videogame storywriters, bankers, chartered accountants, personnel managers and social workers.