BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics
How does language work? Why do we develop accents? What makes human language such a unique way of communicating? Linguistics offers a fresh insight into the human mind, combining arts and sciences into one captivating subject.We have a cutting-edge approach to linguistics, studying theory, real-world implications and applications. We currently stand as one of the country’s largest Linguistics and English Language departments, meaning that we have a wide range of optional modules available to you throughout your degree programme. Each and every area of language is covered by one of our world-leading academics, and our students benefit from their expertise in lectures, seminars, tutorials, and supervisions. They will teach you from day one in small classes designed to challenge you as a linguist.Whether you want to analyse vocal anatomy or how a native Russian speaker thinks compared to a Thai speaker, we have a member of staff who specialises in your particular area of interest. This degree is taught by staff highly rated in teaching and research in one of the largest and highly ranked Linguistics and English Language departments in the country with both a Phonetics Lab and Psycholinguistics Lab which students are encouraged to use throughout their degrees.You’ll begin your degree with modules including Linguistics and English Language. In your second year, you’ll study subjects such as English Phonetics, English Grammar, Sounds of the World’s Languages and Structures of the World’s Languages. In the third, you’ll pick two modules from Corpus approaches to English Language, Advanced English Phonetics, Cognitive Linguistics and topics in phonetic and phonological theory. You’ll complete your degree with a dissertation in which you carry out in-depth research into a topic which interests you.We’ll assess your progress through coursework and exams in a caring, friendly atmosphere. You’ll have regular meetings with your academic advisor and the opportunity to join our highly active student society. We offer paid summer internships, for those students considering further academic study, and the opportunity for international study in the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, Sweden and Switzerland.Your degree opens doors to jobs in speech therapy and language technology. You will develop analytical and investigative skills, highly prized by employers such as law firms, management consultancies and the media. Linguistic awareness is a real boost when working for international and multicultural companies and organisations.CareersA degree in English Language and Linguistics helps you to develop an enquiring mind with analytical thinking – some of the many transferable skills that will increase your value to a potential employer.Your degree teaches you valuable expertise that’s of particular benefit for careers in education, language teaching, speech therapy, translation, information technology, management, the mass media, creative arts, social work and counselling. A sizeable proportion of our graduates take up employment overseas.Recent Lancaster graduates have gone on to work or train as speech therapists, teachers of English overseas, teachers of English as a mother tongue, computer programmers and consultants, bankers, chartered accountants, personnel managers, journalists and social workers.