BA (Hons) English and Drama

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BA (Hons) English and Drama

English and Drama at the University of Exeter is a challenging and flexible degree that builds on two internationally-renowned centres of excellence in research, teaching and theatre practice. Our teaching grows out of our wide-ranging, world-leading research interests and we provide a supportive and high-quality environment for learning.The programme provides you with a sense of the range and variety of literary works, introduces you to theoretical approaches that enable you to engage critically with texts understood in their historical and cultural contexts, and develops your critical, imaginative and practical engagement with the social, historical and cultural contexts of theatre.English modules are taught by staff with expertise in literature from the Middle Ages to the present, in cinema throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, and in creative writing practices in poetry, prose and screen-writing. Drama modules are taught by staff with expertise in theatre, drama and performance theory from the classical era to the present, and in practice fields including acting, directing, scriptwriting, voice, applied theatre, live art, digital theatre crafts, music theatre, puppetry, dance, and intercultural performance training.The programme covers a wide range of material allowing you to develop and follow your own interests with the provision of modules by active researchers who are at the forefront of their respective fields.