BA (Hons) Business and Data Management

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BA (Hons) Business and Data Management

**Summary**: Recent estimates suggest that each day companies around the world generate as much as 2.5 billion gigabytes of data. Thorough analysis of big data can provide organisations with important insights into their activities.**Course details**: This broad-based degree gives you a comprehensive understanding of business concepts and models with specialist knowledge of data management. You study business organisation, management, leadership and enterprise combined with specialist modules specific to the management of data. Between Year 2 and your final year, you have the chance to spend a year in industry on placement, or study abroad at one of our partner institutions. Alternatively you can proceed on to the final year.**After the course**: Due to the diverse nature of the degree our students progress to a range of careers in business and data management, both nationally and internationally. We provide an environment that allows you to develop the extra practical employability characteristics that will make you more attractive to employers in the job market in the years to come. All programmes are designed to incorporate employability skills development alongside your degree course. Our staff use their extensive business connections to provide many and varied opportunities to engage with potential employers through fairs, guest lecture sessions, live projects and site visits.We offer a series of workshops and events in the first, second and third years to ensure you are equipped with both degree level subject knowledge plus the practical skills that employers are looking for in new graduate recruits. We also offer extensive support for you to find and secure industry year placements which have been shown to make have significant positive impact on a student’s career prospects on graduation. Our award-winning careers service works with regional and national employers to advertise graduate positions, in addition to providing post-graduation support for all Teesside University alumni.