BA (Honours) Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BA (Honours) Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience

Want to know how the nervous system contributesto behaviour? Complete this specialization alongside your Psychology degree to gain a strong foundation of the concepts and methods necessary for understanding the structural and functional aspects of brain and brain dysfunction. Required Courses PSYC 2200H: Brain and Behaviour PSYC 2400H: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology PSYC-BIOL 3220H: Neuropsychology Optional Courses: PSYC 2210H: Brain and Body in Action (Sc) PSYC 2600H: Introduction to Learning (Sc) PSYC-BIOL 3210H: Principles of the Nervous System (Sc) PSYC 3230H: Sleep and Arousal (Sc) PSYC 3240H: Drugs and Behaviour (Sc) PSYC 3430H: Memory (Sc) PSYC 3451H: Psychology of Language (Sc) PSYC 3460H: Sensation and Perception (Sc) PSYC 3801H or PSYC 3802H: Research Practicum that focuses on cognitive or behavioural neuroscience (Sc) PSYC 4225H: Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience (Sc) PSYC 4625H: Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (Sc) PSYC-BIOL 4840H: Neuroendocrinology (Sc) PSYC 4801H or PSYC 4802H: Research Practicum that focuses on cognitive or behavioural neuroscience (Sc)