BA Cultural Studies With Film & Media

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BA Cultural Studies With Film & Media

Media is constantly evolving. How do film, radio, television, popular culture, and social media influence culture? Gain insight into this question through hands-on workshops in game design, filmmaking, and podcasting, and by focusing on topics as varied as war photography, the concentration of the communications industry, and augmented reality. This specialization will help you develop your media literacy and prepare you for a variety of dynamic careers.CoursesStudents who have fulfilled the requirements for a single- or joint-major degree in Cultural Studies may graduate with a Specialization if they have successfully completed 4.0 CUST credits in the chosen Specialization category. The same course may not simultaneously count toward two or more Specializations.CUST 1535H: Introduction to Media StudiesCUST 2035Y/2535H: Media and SocietyCUST-WMST 2065Y: Sex / Sexuality / Sexual DifferenceCUST 2186H: Workshop: PhotographyCUST-WMST 2210H: Gender and Popular CultureCUST 2236H: New Media LiteracyCUST 2551H: Popular Culture and Modern Thought: Ideology, LanguageCUST 2552H: Popular Culture and Modern Thought: Gender, Globalization, and the VirtualCUST 2581H: Introduction to Film I: What Is Cinema?CUST 2582H: Introduction to Film II: Film Movements, Film HistoryCUST-CAST 3031H: Television in CanadaCUST 3087Y: Community-Based Research ProjectCUST 3111Y: Workshop: Visual Arts Studio​CUST 3133H: Workshop: Game DesignCUST 3139H: Workshop: Radio and PodcastCUST 3184H: Workshop: Documentary FilmCUST 3186H: Workshop: Experimental FilmCUST-POST 3465H: Politics and FilmCUST-POST 3475H: Media of PoliticsCUST 3515H: Modernism and the Avant-GardeCUST 3531H: Mass Media and WarCUST-IDST 3532H/3032Y: Issues in Global MediaCUST 3533H: Game StudiesCUST 3535H: Television StudiesCUST 3538H: Radio StudiesCUST 3545H: Music and Media – An ArchaeologyCUST 3580H/3080Y: Text and ImageCUST 3581H: World Cinema I: Experiment and InnovationCUST 3582H: World Cinema II: Images of GlobalizationCUST-ANTH 3748H: Anthropology of AnimationCUST 3900Y/3901H/3902H: Reading CourseCUST 4010Y/4020D: Honours ThesisCUST 4035Y: Contemporary Topics in Media StudiesCUST 4041Y/4541H: Internship in Media and Cultural StudiesCUST-HIST 4090Y: American Visual CultureCUST-FREN 4302H: Francophone CinemaCUST 4523: Shapeshifters: Narrative Adaptations across MediaCUST-POST 4538H: Media EcologiesCUST 4565H: Psychoanalysis and Cultural StudiesCUST 4580H/4080Y: Text and ImageCUST 4586H: Cinema in the Digital AgeCUST 4900Y/4901H/4902H: Reading Course